Saturday, May 05, 2007

Tema Water & Environment i House of Sweden med start april 2007

Den 10 april öppnade temat Water & Environment i House of Sweden i Washington, D.C. 400 inbjudna gäster kom för att beskåda Lars Jonssons fågelbilder och 20 ton is hämtad från den brusande Torne älv i Norrbotten. Se bildspektaklet nedan.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

House of Sweden: Sweden on the Potomac in Washington, D.C.

In the autumn of 2006 House of Sweden - located close to the Potomac River in Georgetown - will be inaugurated. In the unique building, with a definite Scandinavian outlook, you will find the Embassy of Sweden and the House of Sweden Center; a business event center with modern meeting facilties as well as an exhibition hall and a rooftop with a spectacular view over the river!

On the two top floors of House of Sweden there will be 16 corporate flats to be leased by Swedish and Swedish-American companies.

On this blog I - Press Counselor Claes Thorson - will try to document the history of House of Sweden in text and images as well as follow it into the future.